Hi, I am writing my first Blog for quite some time and I must apologise!
I have not been lazy, but I have been rather preoccupied ...
My husband and I bought a farm and have been busy establishing a potager, growing our own food and looking after our ever growing menagerie of farm animals!
I have also written a new book about the entire experience which will be release in November 2012!!! Very exciting. More to come about the book closer to the release date.
So what has brought me back to the computer? I have to share the absolute thrill of gathering my first dozen duck eggs! And WOW - they really are so different to chicken or even guinea fowl eggs. They are rich and completely delicious!
We purchased the ducks in summer and have been nurturing them all this time with absolutely no eggs in return. We accepted this because they were so young; however after six months, I was beginning to regret buying such young ducks. And now, all of a sudden, we are finally reaping the rewards. Did I mention that the eggs are yum?
We selected one of each of the best egg layers (khaki campbell, indian runner & peking), according to our friendly poultry expert from Longwarry, but I can't tell who is laying and who is not because all the eggs look the same!
I do know one thing ... if you like eggs, you need to get yourself a duck or three!