The floral emblem of South Australia, this plant has undergone several name changes, even since I was at university ... which admittedly was a few years ago now! Formerly Clianthus formosus and Willdampia formosa, it is now referred to as Swainsona formosa, or at least it was when I wrote this. More often than not Horticulturists scoff at common names preferring the reliability of Botanical Nomenclature - in this case, it is the common name that has withstood the test of time.
This photo was taken in July, the middle of winter, and as you can see, they are in full flower. Alice Springs and the surrounding area had had some of the coolest weather for some time (even colder than Melbourne!) and plenty of water. In fact, the Todd River was flooded for much of our stay.
To grow your own, soak seeds overnight in warm water so that they swell to around the size of a matchhead. They will then be ready to plant. Seeds should germinate easily but coaching plants through to flowering is the trick. Sturts Desert Pea has a long tap root, needs free-draining soil and minimal root disturbance. Over-watering is a killer, so plant in pots to assist with adequate drainage. Naturally occuring in arid areas throughout Central Australia, water only when necessary and sparingly.
Sow seed in winter in Tropical and Sub-Tropical areas and spring in temperate and cooler zones. Flowering should occur within 12 weeks. Beautiful potted plants which make an impressive gift, try growing them as a Christmas present for the green thumb in your life.
Happy Gardening!